folder RHNA 6 2022-2030


document 02 08 21 RHNA 6 Meeting Agenda & Notes Popular

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02.08.21 RHNA 6 Meeting Agenda & Notes.docx

Meeting agenda and notes from 2.8.21 21 Elements full group meeting. 

document 02. 08. 21 21 Elements Meeting Ppt Popular

By 572 downloads

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02.08.21 Meeting.pptx

2.8.21 full group 21 Elements Meeting powerpoint. 

document 03 08 21 Meeting Powerpoint Popular

By 589 downloads

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03.08.21 Meeting.pptx

Powerpoint from full collaborative meeting on 3.8.21/

document 03 08 21 RHNA 6 Meeting Agenda + Notes Popular

By 711 downloads

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03.08.21 RHNA 6 Meeting Agenda + Notes.docx

Meeting agenda and Notes from full collaborative meeting on 3.8.21.

document 08.31.20 Housing Elements 101 and New Laws Overview PPT Popular

By 1191 downloads

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Housing Element 101 for RHNA6.pptx

An overview of Housing Elements and new state laws that will impact RHNA 6. Includes:

  • Purpose of the Housing Element
  • State Law Requirements
  • Structure of the Housing Element
  • Relationship to the General Plan
  • Key Changes Since RHNA5

pdf 08.31.20 RHNA6 Meeting Agenda with Notes Popular

By 796 downloads

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RHNA 6 3 Month Look Ahead 09.20.21.pdf

document 09.21.20 RHNA 6 Meeting Agenda with Notes Popular

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09.21.20 RHNA 6 Meeting Agenda with Notes.docx

Agenda of the September 21, 2020 RHNA 6 Housing Element Update meeting, with major takeaways from group discussions. 

document 10.05.20 Meeting Agenda with Notes | RHNA 6 Sites Popular

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10.05.20 RHNA 6 Sites Meeting Agenda with Notes.docx

Sites Inventory Training/Meeting agenda and notes.

pdf 11. 2021 3 Month RHNA Workplan Look Ahead Popular

By 511 downloads

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RHNA 6 3 Month Look Ahead 11.04.21.pdf

document 11.7.22 Q&A Session Slides- Builder's Remedy Popular

By 374 downloads

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builder remedy slides2 (1).pptx

document 2 28 22 PPT Item #1b Visualizing Density Popular

By 453 downloads

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2-28-22 PPT Item #1b - Visualizing Density.pptx

document 2020 Workplan Overview Popular

By 721 downloads

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2020 Workplan Overview Updated 08.17.20.docx

document 2021 New Housing Legislation Summary Popular

By 492 downloads

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pdf 2022 CA income limits Popular

By 556 downloads

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2022 CA income limits.pdf

document 2022 California Income Limits Popular

By 465 downloads

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2022 California Income Limits.docx

document 2022 Housing Element Statutory Provisions Checklist Popular

By 494 downloads

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2022 Housing Element Statutory Provisions Checklist.DOCX

document 21 Elements AFFH Finishing Touches slide deck Popular

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21 Elements AFFH Finishing Touches.pptx

Prepared by Root Policy for 21 Elements. March 2022. 

pdf 21 Elements and RHNA 6 - service packages Popular

By 1411 downloads

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rhna6 and 21 elements - support package one page overviews - may 20 2020.pdf

document 21 Elements and RHNA 6 2021 Q1 Work Plan Look ahead Popular

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21 Elements and RHNA 6 - 2021 Q1 Work Plan Look-ahead.docx

Updated and uploaded January 2021.

document 21 Elements Kickoff Agenda Popular

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21 Elements Kickoff Agenda-dd.docx

Meeting agenda from 10.13.2020