Making Middle Housing Work
To support Bay Area jurisdictions working to create new "middle housing" (duplexes, triplexes, townhomes, cottage clusters, etc.) the Regional Housing Technical Assistance Program at ABAG convened a Missing Middle Workgroup. Six sessions were held from August through December 2021, organized by Baird+Driskell Community Planning with Opticos Design and ECONorthwest. All of the materials related to each session can be accessed on the ABAG Peer Cohort and Work Groups page or directly via the links below
Middle Housing Products
Missing Middle Interactive Tool - This online tool helps you evaluate the feasibility of six different middle housing types in your jurisdiction based on differing standards and policies. (password: MiddleInteractive)
The Bay Area's Middle Housing Market Report, prepared by ECONorthwest, provides useful context on middle housing in the Bay Area. The 36 page report examines existing stock, as well as market, pricing and demographic trends.
Zoning for the Missing Middle Guidebook, 48 pages and prepared by Opticos Design, provides advice and insight on barriers to Missing Middle Housing as well as best practices for its development.
Making Middle Housing Affordable Guidebook - 31 page guidebook explains the various policies, programs and laws that suport affordable or market rate middle housing development, with a particular focus on examples in the Bay Area and pacific northwest.
Photographs - of seven middle housing projects in San Mateo County, taken by a professional photographer. Both street level and aerial images, and sized for presentations or high resolution. Word doc (with link to original jpgs)
Projecting Middle Housing for RHNA 6 Memo - Four page memo outlines strategies for estimating quantitative impact of rezoning to allow middle housing. Produced by ECONorthwest and Baird + Driskell, 2021
Middle Housing Mythbusters - Five page handout of commonly raised concerns about rezoning for middle housing, and how you can respond.
Visualizing Middle Housing - Powerpoint crafted by Portola Valley staff for public presentation. Provides examples of housing forms for 20-30 DUA.
Workgroup Sessions
What is the Missing Middle? includes an overview of missing middle housing and a case study from Oregon
- Video of the 70 minute webinar
- Slides used in the webinar.
- Case Study: Eugene, Oregon
- Notes from the breakout session (grouped by jurisdiction size)
- Video of the 70 minute webinar
- Slides for first half of presentation
- Slides for second half of presentation
- Notes from the breakout session
Making Middle Housing Affordable
Projecting Middle Housing Production
For more information about the work group, contact Grecia Mannah-Ayon, Assistant Regional Housing Planner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., (415) 820-7935 or David Diskell of Baird + Driskell, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 607-227-0327.
If you would like to join the Missing Middle Workgroup google group (email list), contact Evan Seitz, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..