folder Second Units


pdf Daly City ADU Standards (draft) Popular

By 2207 downloads

Download (pdf, 63 KB)

Daly City Standards 2.26.20.pdf

pdf DRAFT ADU Affordability Report Sep 8 2021 Popular

By 687 downloads

Download (pdf, 359 KB)

DRAFT_ADU Affordability Report_Sep 8_2021.pdf

pdf East Palo Alto ADU Standards (draft) Popular

By 1553 downloads

Download (pdf, 70 KB)

East Palo Alto Standards 2.26.20.pdf

pdf Emeryville Regulations for Secondary Units Popular

By 1105 downloads

Download (pdf, 93 KB)

Emeryville Planning Regulations - Secondary Residential Units.pdf

pdf FINAL Cal APA ADU Webinar 11 21 19 Popular

By 1290 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.27 MB)

FINAL Cal APA ADU Webinar 11 21 19.pdf

pdf Foster City ADU Standards Popular

By 1439 downloads

Download (pdf, 73 KB)

Foster City Standards 2.26.20.pdf

pdf Goldfarb_slides_ADU Popular

By 2361 downloads

Download (pdf, 460 KB)


Slides from the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) / Second Unit Webinar on Oct 31, 2016

pdf Half Moon Bay ADU Standards Popular

By 1820 downloads

Download (pdf, 75 KB)

Half Moon Bay Standards 2.26.20.pdf

pdf HCD ADU Memo Cover Letter Popular

By 2213 downloads

Download (pdf, 325 KB)

ADU Memo Cover Letter.pdf

pdf HCD ADU Memo Final Popular

By 4690 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.44 MB)

ADU Memo Final.pdf

document HCD informational bulletin Popular

By 1981 downloads

Download (docx, 48 KB)

HCD informational bulletin.docx

Bulletin about building code changes

pdf Hillsborough ADU Ordinance CC Dec 2016 Popular

By 1904 downloads

Download (pdf, 557 KB)

Hillsborough ADU Ordinance CC Dec 2016.pdf

pdf Hillsborough ADU Standards Popular

By 4335 downloads

Download (pdf, 72 KB)

Hillsborough Standards 2.26.20.pdf

Updated ADU Standards Factsheet as of August 21, 2019

document HMB ADU Ordinance (2019) Popular

By 1440 downloads

Download (docx, 349 KB)

HMB ADU Ordinance (2019).docx

pdf Junior Second Units Fact Sheet Popular

By 1580 downloads

Download (pdf, 3.34 MB)

Junior Second Units Fact Sheet__final.pdf


document Junior Second Units Fact Sheet_editable_4_9_16 Popular

By 1918 downloads

Download (docx, 3.63 MB)

Junior Second Units Fact Sheet_editable_4_9_16.docx

document Junior Second Units Presentation Popular

By 1790 downloads

Download (pptx, 378 KB)

Junior Second Units Presentation.pptx

Part 2 of the Junior Second Units PowerPoint presentation at the March 24, 2016 21 Elements TAC meeting ((#28)

pdf Jurisdiction Standards Summary Table Popular

By 1483 downloads

Download (pdf, 88 KB)

Jurisdiction Standards Summary Table Revised 2.26.20.pdf

spreadsheet Jurisdiction Standards Summary Table_2019.09.19 Popular

By 1472 downloads

Download (xlsx, 26 KB)

Jurisdiction Standards Summary Table Revised 2.26.20.xlsx

pdf Law-Alert-9-30-16-New-State-Laws-Clear-Path-for-Second-Units-Local-Ordinances-Must-Be-Updated-by-January-2017 Popular

By 1934 downloads

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Law Alert from Goldfarb and Lipman