folder RHNA 6 2022-2030


document City Council or Board Housing Element Adoption Resolution Popular

By 447 downloads

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City Council or Board Housing Element Adoption Resolution.DOCX

pdf City of Campbell HCD Cover Letter Popular

By 432 downloads

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Sample HCD Cover Letter- City of Campbell.pdf

document Combined Site Strategy Priorities Popular

By 737 downloads

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Combined Strategy Priorities--10-26-20 (2).docx

Matrix of combined strategy priorities. 10.26.20

pdf Consequences of being late - graphic Popular

By 278 downloads

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consequence of being late - graphic.pdf

document Consequences of Being Late - Technical Memo Popular

By 644 downloads

Download (docx, 467 KB)

Consequences of Late Adoption of the Housing Element DRAFT 072722].docx

spreadsheet Consequences of Non Compliance with Housing Laws Popular

By 385 downloads

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Constraints Fee Survey 10.28.21.xlsx

spreadsheet Constraints Fee Survey 10.28.21 Popular

By 510 downloads

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Constraints Fee Survey 10.28.21.xlsx

document Constraints quick summary Popular

By 652 downloads

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Constraints quick summary_July.10.2022.docx

document Countywide Housing Needs Popular

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Countywide Housing Needs Final 11.03.21.docx

Template countywide housing needs document for use in th RHNA 6 Housing Element Update.

spreadsheet CU SMC MF Development Research 2023 30 1 Popular

By 1061 downloads

Download (xlsx, 131 KB)

CU - SMC MF Development Research 2023-30-1.xlsx

document Defining Equity and Ideas for Action Popular

By 937 downloads

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Defining Equity and Ideas for Action.docx

document Disparate Access Educational Opportunities Popular

By 525 downloads

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document Disparate Access Educational Opportunities (2) Popular

By 564 downloads

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Disparate_Access_Educational_Opportunities (2).docx

pdf DRAFT ADU Affordability Report Sep 8 2021 Popular

By 1980 downloads

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DRAFT_ADU Affordability Report_Sep 8_2021 (2).pdf

document Draft Reviewer Checklist AFFH Final 1 24 2021 (1) Popular

By 422 downloads

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Draft Reviewer Checklist AFFH - Final 1-24-2021 (1).docx

document Ekaplan AFFH TA slides Popular

By 313 downloads

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document El Comite Flyer in Word 7.26.21 Popular

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El Comite July 26th Meeting Flyer.docx

pdf El Comite Meeting PDF 7.26.21 Popular

By 578 downloads

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Meeting with El Comité 07.26.21.pdf

document El Comite Meeting PPT 7.26.21 Popular

By 576 downloads

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Meeting with El Comité 07.26.21.pptx