folder Second Units


document 2019 New ADU Laws Popular

By 1470 downloads

Download (docx, 29 KB)

Effective Provisions of 2019 ADU Bills.DOCX

Thanks to Goldfarb and Lipman for this document

document 2020 ADU FAQs Popular

By 1899 downloads

Download (docx, 70 KB)

FAQs Regarding ADUs_1_28.DOCX

Updated 1/28/2020

document 21 Elements March 24 16 Popular

By 1458 downloads

Download (pptx, 2.17 MB)

21 Elements March 24 16.pptx

Part 1 of the Junior Second Units PowerPoint presentation from the March 24, 2016 21 Elements TAC meeting (#28)

pdf ADU 2019 Webinar Slides Popular

By 2093 downloads

Download (pdf, 4.11 MB)

ADU 2019 Webinar.pdf

document ADU Presentation - 21 Elements Popular

By 1766 downloads

Download (pptx, 298 KB)

ADU Presentation - 21 Elements.pptx

document ADU Questions Round 2 Popular

By 1552 downloads

Download (docx, 69 KB)

ADU Questions_Round 2.DOCX

Still waiting on HCD comments

pdf Atherton ADU Standards Popular

By 1877 downloads

Download (pdf, 72 KB)

Atherton Standards 2.26.20.pdf

pdf Belmont ADU Standards Popular

By 1762 downloads

Download (pdf, 67 KB)

Belmont Standards 2.26.pdf

document Brisbane ADU Ordinance Popular

By 2003 downloads

Download (docx, 39 KB)


pdf Brisbane ADU Standards Popular

By 1691 downloads

Download (pdf, 58 KB)

Brisbane Standards 2.26.20.pdf

Updated Factsheet as of August 21, 2019

pdf Building and Fire Codes Webinar Popular

By 1372 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.25 MB)

ADU webinar-1.pdf

4_23, HCD and Fire Marshall

pdf Burlingame ADU Standards Popular

By 2076 downloads

Download (pdf, 74 KB)

Burlingame Standards 2.26.20.pdf

document Calculator spec sheet Popular

By 1470 downloads

Download (docx, 318 KB)

Calculator spec sheet.docx

document Changes to ADU Law Summary Popular

By 2710 downloads

Download (docx, 76 KB)

Changes to ADU Law Summary_Nov_2016.docx

Produced by 21 Elements

document Changes to ADU Law Summary_Nov_2016 Popular

By 2543 downloads

Download (docx, 76 KB)

Changes to ADU Law Summary_Nov_2016.docx

pdf Chaptered Changes in Accessory Unit Provisions Popular

By 2329 downloads

Download (pdf, 125 KB)

Chaptered Changes in Accessory Unit Provisions.pdf

pdf Colma ADU Standards (draft) Popular

By 1709 downloads

Download (pdf, 69 KB)

Colma Standards 2.26.20.pdf

document Corte madera PC Staff Report with Attachments Popular

By 2116 downloads

Download (docx, 917 KB)

corte madera PC Staff Report with Attachments.docx

document Cupertino ADU PC Draft Ordinance Popular

By 2337 downloads

Download (docx, 35 KB)

Cupertino ADU PC Draft Ordinance .docx

document Cupertino ADU PC Report Popular

By 1490 downloads

Download (docx, 37 KB)

Cupertino ADU PC Report.docx