folder TAC 18 (6.13.13)


pdf 21 Elements Contact Information Popular

By 1179 downloads

Download (pdf, 53 KB)

21 Elements Contact List 6_2013.pdf

pdf 21 Elements Schedule TAC 18 Popular

By 1461 downloads

Download (pdf, 3.77 MB)

21 Elements Schedule_6_11_13.pdf

document Agenda TAC 18 Popular

By 1092 downloads

Download (docx, 930 KB)


Including links to all handouts

default Demographics and Housing Need Tables Shortcut Popular

By 1009 downloads

This link will take you to the draft housing need and demographic tables, which are in the RHNA 5 folder. 

document Frequently Asked Questions about RHNA 5 Schedule Shortcut Popular

By 1193 downloads

Download (doc, 133 KB)

Frequently Asked Questions-1.doc

This link will take you to the FAQ about the RHNA 5 schedule, which is in the RHNA 5 folder. 

document Meeting Summary TAC 18 Popular

By 1204 downloads

Download (doc, 151 KB)

Meeting Summary_TAC 18.doc

pdf Presentation about Menlo Park Housing Element Popular

By 1391 downloads

Download (pdf, 388 KB)

Menlo Park Powerpoint_revised.pdf

Powerpoint about the Housing Element update process in Menlo Park, by guest speaker Justin Murphy

pdf Presentation on Housing Needs of People with Developmental Disabilities Popular

By 1180 downloads

Download (pdf, 1.95 MB)

21 Elements Planning for the Housing Needs.pdf

Presentation by Golden Gate Regional Center and West Bay Housing

pdf Presentation TAC 18 Popular

By 1193 downloads

Download (pdf, 90 KB)

TAC Meeting 18 powerpoint_revised.pdf

Main Powerpoint from the meeting

default Rezoning to meet adequate sites guidelines shortcut Popular

By 1030 downloads

This link will take you to the information on rezoning to meet adequate sites material, which is in the RHNA 5 folder.

default State Density Bonus Law Shortcut Popular

By 1130 downloads

This link will take you to the material on the State Density Bonus Law, which is in the RHNA 5 folder. 

document Streamlined Review and Nexus Survey Popular

By 1559 downloads

Download (docx, 125 KB)

Streamlined review and nexus_draftfinal.docx

This survey shows which jurisdictions have completed the steps for streamlined review and which ones are potentially interested in a joint nexus study.