folder Other Topics/Nexus Study


document Affordable Housing Overlay Zone Fact Sheet Popular

By 2128 downloads

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AHOZ Fact Sheet_6_17_14.docx

document Complete Streets Resources Popular

By 1469 downloads

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Complete Streets Resources.docx

A list of resources to assist in the implementation of Complete Streets. 

pdf Displacement in PDAs Popular

By 2372 downloads

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Displacement in PDAs_9_22_14.pdf

Memo to address issues of potential displacement in Priority Development Areas (PDAs). 9/25/14. 

document Displacement in PDAs- MS Word Popular

By 1507 downloads

Download (docx, 139 KB)

Displacement in PDAs_9_22_14.docx

Memo to address issues of potential displacement in Priority Development Areas (PDAs). 9/25/14. 

document Low Income Housing Tax Credit Fact Sheet Popular

By 2242 downloads

Download (docx, 135 KB)

LIHTC Fact Sheet_7_26_13.docx

spreadsheet ODDs and Permitting Software Preference Meeting Polls Popular

By 311 downloads

Download (xlsx, 13 KB)

ODDs and Permitting Software Preference Meeting Polls.xlsx

pdf Opportunities for Energy Conservation Popular

By 1849 downloads

Download (pdf, 187 KB)

Opportunities for Energy Conservation.pdf

Countywide version of document discussing opportunities for energy conservation.  Includes information on State building codes, PG&E programs, and potential best practices.  PDF. 

document Opportunities for Energy Conservation Popular

By 1516 downloads

Download (docx, 134 KB)

Opportunities for Energy Conservation.docx

Countywide version of document discussing opportunities for energy conservation.  Includes information on State building codes, PG&E programs, and potential best practices.  Word.