folder Housing Fees and Inclusionary Zoning


pdf Adjusting to Palmer Popular

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adjusting to palmer_b_kautz.pdf

Article by Barbara Kautz

pdf Berkeley Affordable Housing Nexus Study RFP Popular

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Berkeley Affordable Housing Nexus Study RFP.pdf

pdf Home Sweet Home? Legal Challenges to Inclusionary Ordinances and Housing Elements Popular

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LoCC - Inclusionary Ordinances after Palmer Patterson - Kautz.pdf

This paper summarizes the recent Patterson and Palmer cases and describes their effect on Inclusionary Housing Programs. It also explains the various characterizations of inclusionary ordinances as either exactions, rent and price controls, or police power land use ordinances. Finally, it discusses alternative strategies for modifying inclusionary ordinances to meet the current legal landscape and the numerous associated issues raised by the cases.

pdf Inclusionary Policies Comparison Chart 8_19_08 Popular

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InclusionaryPolicies chart.pdf

pdf Inclusionary Policies Summary 8_19_08 Popular

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inclusionary summary.pdf

pdf Inclusionary Zoning After Palmer and Patterson Popular

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Inclusionary_PalmerandPatterson -PILP- 2010-04.pdf

This memorandum by the Public Interest Law Project considers a variety of options for continued implementation of local inclusionary laws in light of recent court cases.

document inclusionary_summary Popular

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document Napa Affordable Housing RFP Popular

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pdf Presentation about San Carlos Housing Fees from RSG Popular

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Presentation about San Carlos Fees from RSG.pdf

pdf San Carlos Nexus Study Fee Analysis Popular

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FINAL San Carlos Nexus Study Fee Analysis (2 2 10) - Single Sided.pdf


pdf San Diego Commercial Linkage Fee RFP Popular

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document SB 184 Analysis - Leno Inclusionary Housing Bill Popular

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SB 184 analysis.doc