folder RHNA 6 2022-2030


pdf 21E Updated Workplan Overview and Process Diagram Popular

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21E - RHNA 6 work plan overview - Nov 10 2020 rev.pdf

Updated on 11.10.20.

document 21Elements Merged PowerPoint Slides 11.9.20 Popular

By 536 downloads

21Elements Merged PowerPoint Slides from 11.9.20 meeting. City introduction slides not included. 

document 8 8 22 Meeting HCD Comment Letter Lessons Learned Popular

By 304 downloads

Download (pptx, 6.24 MB)

8.8.22 Meeting-HCD Comment Letter Lessons Learned.pptx

Presented at 8.8.22 21 Elements Meeting

How to Respond to HCD Comment Calls and Letters- case studies & lessons learned

pdf A README Note to Local Planning Staff Popular

By 483 downloads

Download (pdf, 112 KB)


pdf ABAG Housing Needs Cover Letter Popular

By 533 downloads

Download (pdf, 109 KB)

ABAG Housing Needs Cover Letter .pdf

pdf ABAG RHNA 6 Appeals Overview Popular

By 826 downloads

Download (pdf, 259 KB)

07a 2 AttachmentA_Draft_ABAG_2023-2031_RHNA_Appeals_Procedures v2.pdf

May 2021. 

pdf ABAG RHNA Appeals Memo Popular

By 764 downloads

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ABAG appeals memo.pdf

From 5.13.21

document ABAG RHNA Appeals Presentation_5.13.21 Popular

By 773 downloads

Download (docx, 39 KB)

ADU Projections Memo draft final.DOCX

RHNA Appeals Process Overview presentation from ABAG. 5.13.21

document ADU Projections Memo draft final Popular

By 561 downloads

Download (docx, 245 KB)

ADUs Projections Memo_final.docx

document AFFH and Housing Elements Presentation Popular

By 1072 downloads

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AFFH and Housing Elements Goldfarb Lipman.pptx

A presentation by Goldfarb & Lipman on AFFH and what will we know so far about what is required in the RHNA 6 housing element process. Presented September 21, 2020.

document Agenda & Notes - Sites Strategies Analysis Meeting 2 Popular

By 684 downloads

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Agenda & Notes 10.26.20.docx

Agenda and notes from 21 Elements Sites Strategy Meeting #2 on 10.26.20.

document Agenda With Notes 08.17.20 Popular

By 547 downloads

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RHNA 6 Kickoff Agenda with Notes 08.18.20.docx

document Atherton Fair Housing Assessment Popular

By 250 downloads

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Atherton_Fair Housing Assessment.docx

document Atherton Map and Data Packet Popular

By 264 downloads

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Atherton_Map and Data Packet.docx

pdf B + D Dvpt Cost and Unit Mix 2022 4 7 DRAFT updated Popular

By 695 downloads

Download (pdf, 211 KB)

B + D Dvpt Cost and Unit Mix 2022-4-7 DRAFT_updated.pdf

pdf BayREN Hsg Elt Handout 021822 Popular

By 430 downloads

Download (pdf, 124 KB)

BayREN Hsg Elt Handout_021822.pdf

pdf Builders Remedy and Housing Elements Popular

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pdf CCC Memo Coastal Zone and SB 9 Popular

By 619 downloads

Download (pdf, 278 KB)

CCC Memo Coastal Zone and SB 9.PDF

document Cheat Sheet Sites Inventory Popular

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Cheat Sheet - Sites Inventory_2.docx

Cheat sheet for sites inventory exercise.

document Checklist for Housing Element Engagement Popular

By 596 downloads

Download (doc, 86 KB)

Checklist for Housing Element Engagement.doc