folder Constraints


spreadsheet Blank Development Fee Survey Popular

By 1321 downloads

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blank develop fee survey.xlsx

document Development Fee Survey (2013-2014) Popular

By 1653 downloads

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Fee survey summary.docx

Summary of 21 Elements survey of development fees for multi-family and single-family construction, 2013-2014. 

document Non-Governmental Constraints Popular

By 1703 downloads

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General template for non-gov constraints.docx

County-wide discussion of non-governmental constraints to housing development.  Includes discussion of construction costs, mortgage and construction financing, and public opinion.  May 2014. 

spreadsheet Parking Standards Data Popular

By 1398 downloads

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This Excel document contains the editable graphs and raw data from the parking standards survey. 

document Parking Standards Survey Summary Popular

By 1942 downloads

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This document compares the different parking standards for jurisdictions.