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pdf Alternative Adequate Sites Memo by HCD Popular

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alt adq sites memo by HCD.pdf

This memo summarizes the new procedures for those jurisdictions that do not have enough vacant or underdeveloped land to meet their RHNA. This covers AB 720, AB 1867 and AB 1103

pdf Changes to Housing Element Law Under SB 375 Popular

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Changes to HE Under_SB_375.pdf

This short memo by Housing Advocates summarizes changes to Housing Element law under SB 375. Please note that the timeline about rezoning is not correct. See 21 Elements memo or talk to HCD for correct information. 

pdf Changes to Housing Element Law Under SB 375 #2 Popular

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SB_375_Housing CA.pdf

This memo, by Housing California, summarizes changes to Housing Element law under SB 375. 

pdf Chart of Streamlined Review Process Popular

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chart of process by hcd.pdf

This chart produced by HCD shows the housing element review process and how it relates to streamlined review. 

document Completeness Checklist by HCD Popular

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HCD Completeness Checklist.docx

This document helps jurisdictions ensure they have completed all required sections of the housing element and must be filled out by those who want to participate in expedited review. 

pdf Default Density Changes Popular

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This memo, produced by HCD, summarizes if the default density changed for any jurisdictions based on changes in population. In San Mateo County, this only affects Belmont. 

pdf Development Disabilities and Housing Elements SB 812 Popular

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devel disabilites_sb 812 summary.pdf

This memo by HCD summarizes SB 812, which requires jurisdictions to analyze the needs of people with development disabilities. 

document Eligibility Requirements for Streamlined Review Popular

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eligib rqrmts for streamline update.docx

This is the checklist the HCD uses for determining if jurisdictions qualify for streamlined/expedited review

pdf Overview of Streamlined Template Process Popular

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Overview ofStreamlined Template.pdf

This memo by HCD helps jurisdictions understand the streamlined update/expedited review/completeness checklist. 

document Streamlined Update Form by HCD Popular

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Streamlined Update Form by HCD.docx

This is the form that jurisdictions use for streamlined review.