folder Sustainability /Climate Change


pdf 2011 SB 375 Timeline Popular

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ABAG SCS Timeline 2011.pdf

Timeline for the SB 375 process prepared by ABAG and MTC for 2011

pdf 2012-2013 SB 375 Timeline Popular

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ABAG SCS Timeline 2012-2013.pdf

Timeline for the SB 375 process prepared by ABAG and MTC for 2012-2013

pdf 2012-2013 SB 375 Timeline Popular

By 1283 downloads

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ABAG SCS Timeline 2012-2013.pdf

Timeline for the SB 375 process prepared by ABAG and MTC for 2012-2013

pdf Acronyms for the SB 375 process Popular

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Acronyms for the SB 375 process.pdf

List of useful acornyms involved in the SB 375 process

pdf GBI Economic and Housing Opportunities Assessment Report Popular

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GBI Echo Final Report_12-20-2010.pdf

Sponsored by the Grand Boulevard Initiative, the Economic and Housing Opportunities Assessment examines the capacity of the El Camino Real Corridor to accommodate future growth and can accommodate significant employment growth and demonstrates the fiscal benefits of infill development as well as fiscal benefits from conversion of low-performing retail sites to higher intensity uses.

pdf Getting to Smart Growth Popular

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getting to smart growth.pdf

APA publication, 100 potential policies

pdf Getting to Smart Growth II Popular

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getting to smart growth II.pdf

100 more policies from APA

pdf Housing Elements in relation to Sustainable Community Strategy flyer Popular

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Housing CA Housing Element and SCS flyer.pdf

Handout prepapred by Housing California providing an overview of the relationship between the Sustainable Community Strategy and housing elements.

pdf SB 375 Fact Sheet Popular

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One Bay Area SB 375 Fact Sheet.pdf

Prepared by One Bay Area, this fact sheet summarizes the goals of SB 375, the Sustainable Community Strategy planning process, and its relationship to the Regional Transportation Plan and the RHNA process. 

pdf SB 375 Local Official's Guide Popular

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SB 375 Local Official's Guide.pdf

Prepared by the Institure of Local Governments, this guide examines how SB 375 affects local agencies and impacts housing element law as well as provides frequently asked questions and a glossary of terms.

pdf SB 375 Public Participation Requirements Popular

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SB 375 Public Participation Requirements.pdf

Prepared by the Institure of Local Governments, this handout discusses public participation requirements for the SB 375 process and provides suggestions and resources for effectively engaging the public.

pdf SB 375 Timeline for the Bay Area Popular

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SB 375 Timeline for the Bay Area - April 2010.pdf

Timeline for the SB 375 process for the Bay Area prepared by Housing California

pdf Senate Bill 375 Overview Handout Popular

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SCS 101 SB 375 Summary.pdf

Prepared by Housing California, this handout provides an overview of the SB 375 process, the development of a sustainable community strategy and its impact on housing elements, and changes to the California Environmental Quality Act.

pdf Summary of Sustainable Communities Strategy Process Popular

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One Bay Area Sustainable Communities Strategy flyer.pdf

Overview of the process and timeline for creating the Sustainable Communities Strategy developed by MTC, ABAG, BAAQMD and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission.

document Sustainability Best Practices Popular

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